On 01/03/2006 09:45:02 PM, Ted Unangst wrote:
On 1/3/06, kami petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > on a related subject: what's keeping that diff you did to add salting to > vnconfig from hitting the tree? (or something like it)
i don't believe that the people asking for cgd really even intend to use it.
I don't intend to use svnd (and so have not been paying attention but am venturing to comment anyway), but I do _like_ the idea of having it there to use should the need arise. Salting sounds like something I want because, again, in my uninformed opinion, otherwise you wouldn't see it all over the place in password hashes. Apparently the implementation complexity v.s. increase in security trade-off comes out in favor of salting in at least that problem domain. It would be a question I'd investigate should I ever want an encrypted file system. I'm interested enough to pay a little attention now should somebody either decide to implement salting in svnd or explain why I don't want it. I suspect others are in the same frame of mind. Hence the not-necessarily-informed hand waving surrounding all sorts of encrypted filesystem issues (even though, IMHO, salting is the only issue of significance in svnd that was brought up in the CGD article.) Why did I write this? I guess because I'm lazy like everybody else and am hoping for an expert answer vis. svnd and salting. Perhaps I'm thinking you'd appreciate the data point regards my interest in the subject. Feel free to ignore me. Regardless you should know I do appreciate the work done. Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Free Software: "You don't pay back, you pay forward." -- Robert A. Heinlein