On 2016-01-28, Kim Zeitler <kim.zeit...@konzept-is.de> wrote:
> currently I try to solve the phenomenon, that certain SSL sites are slow 
> when accessed via squid on OpenBSD. Mostly ownCloud in my case as well 
> as several web shops. The login screen alone taking minutes to load.

I'm not seeing that here (squid 3.5.13 and squidclamav from packages
on recent -current, in front of a handful of Windows boxes and 30-odd
OpenBSD/GNOME/Chromium/LibreOffice workstations).

Need more information. If it's consistent for certain sites, which
sites? Have you looked in logs etc?

> The current configuration is squid-ldap(3.5.13) from packages  on 
> -current running on a KVM host as VM (4 cores, 2GB RAM, virtio HDD and NIC)

That seems a bit low RAM for Squid, but I doubt that's the problem
for TLS sites which will just be CONNECT tunnels unless you've made
a lot more config changes than you mentioned.

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