Or may I'm crazy or just being stupid.
This system used to be the router/firewall running OpenBSD 5.5
Some new people moved in and it was replaced by a SonicWALL appliance.
So I decided to make it a web server.
Installed 5.8. short story-no details- I could never get php and mariadb working
at the same time!
started over with snapshot
Decided to chroot httpd to /home/www instead of /var/www. I guess I just like a
Also using unix sockets and not tcp for interprocess communications. More
The httpd server only wants to serve static html pages. Any attempt to retreive
a php page just gives a file not found message through the browser.
Take a look at this <http://tonyevil.zapto.org> to see configurations and dmesg.
I don't really understand http.conf.
Any tips appreciated.

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