Hi, Lampshade wrote on Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 04:12:39PM +0100:
> I am from Poland. > I am using Windows 8.1 64-bit and OpenBSD-current amd64. > When I used Gnu/Linux I mounted fat32 partitions > with these options: > iocharset=iso8859-2,codepage=852 The only charset supported by the OpenBSD base system is Unicode and the only encoding supported is UTF-8, and there are no plans to change that. > However OpenBSD's mount tells me: > mount -t msdos -o codepage=852 /dev/sd0f /mnt/partycjaFat/ > mount_msdos: -o codepage: option not supported > > and > mount -t msdos -o iocharset=iso8859-2 /dev/sd0f /mnt/partycjaFat/ > mount_msdos: -o iocharset: option not supported > > 1. What codepage is used by default in FAT32 filesystem created > and mounted in OpenBSD? OpenBSD file systems do not have any noting of characters in file names. The file systems treat file names as byte string. Interpretation is left to userland tools. Userland tools are being worked on to treat strings as UTF-8 if the locale(1) is set to UTF-8, and as US-ASCII otherwise. Right now, some are still inconsistent. The ports tree may or may not contain third-party tools that help. > 2. Is there a way to use other codepage in OpenBSD? No, and it is very unlikely to happen in the future. > If answer to 2 is no, then: > 3. Is there way to force Windows to use different codepage > for that FAT32 partition? I have no idea. Refer to your Windows documentation, or in case that is inconclusive, deal with it as usual when dealing with defective documentation: Read the fantastic source code. Yours, Ingo