> From a compiler command line that gets its ouput piped to tsort -q, I'm 
> getting
>     tsort: pledge: invalid agument
>     cc: no input files
>     *** Error 1 in lib/libcrypto/crypto  (<bsd.lib.mk>:212 
> 'libcrypto.so.37.8')
>     *** Error 1 in lib/libcrypto (<bsd.subdir.mk>:48 'all')
>     *** Error 1 in lib (<bsd.subdir.mk>:48 'all')
>     *** Error 1 in /usr/src (Makefile:79 'build')

tsort used to use the path whitelisting argument of pledge which has
been disabled in recent kernels because this feature is not yet ready.
Build and install tsort and try again:

$ cd /usr/src/usr.bin/tsort
$ make && doas make install

If you have no luck, download and install a snapshot.

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