On Dec 30 22:48:31, h...@stare.cz wrote:
> On Dec 30 08:14:51, n...@holland-consulting.net wrote:
> > On 12/30/15 06:02, Jan Stary wrote:
> > > $ file install59.iso
> > > install59.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data
> > > 'OpenBSD/amd64    5.9 Install CD ' (bootable), 44.1 kHz, Stereo
> > > 
> > > Is this intended?
> > > 
> > > Jan
> > > 
> > 
> > What do you want it to return?
> If it said
>   ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'OpenBSD/amd64 5.9 Install CD ' (bootable)
> as it does, but without the audio bit,
> the message would be exactly right. It's the 
>   44.1 kHz, Stereo
> bit which seems strange to me.
> > If you record it to a CDR and put it in a plain ol' CD player, it will
> > play.  In stereo.
> Yes, but you could say that about any stream of bytes.
> And you could play it as a mono file @ 8000 Hz too,
> which doesn't make it a "8 kHz, Mono" file either.

With e.g. another arch's iso, it's

$ file install59.iso                                                           
install59.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'OpenBSD/macppc 5.9 Install CD '

I don't think that being playable as a CDR has anything to do with it
- did it just happen to match one of the following magic(5) values?

$ grep -Fr 44.1 .
./magdir/animation:>2      byte&0x0C       0x00           \b, 44.1 kHz
./magdir/animation:>2      byte&0x0C       0x00           \b, 44.1 kHz
./magdir/animation:#>>>2      byte&0x0C       0x00           \b, 44.1 kHz
./magdir/animation:>2      byte&0x3c       0x10           \b, 44.1 kHz
./magdir/audio:>>>2597  belong&0xfffff0         0x0ac440        \b, 44.1 kHz
./magdir/audio:>>17     belong&0xfffff0         0x0ac440        \b, 44.1 kHz
./magdir/dolby:>4      byte&0xc0       0x40    44.1 kHz,

I have seen other files reported as "44.1 kHz"
when there was no sampling involved.


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