On 2015-12-30, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 01:29:15AM +0100, Paolo Aglialoro wrote:
>> # doas -u www /var/www/owncloud/occ
>> provides the following result:
>> PHP Notice:  Undefined index: SERVER_PROTOCOL in
>> /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/response.php on line 77
>> App directory "/owncloud/apps" not found! Please put the ownCloud apps
>> folder in the ownCloud folder or the folder above. You can also configure
>> the location in the config.php file.
>> How can occ then be run?
> That is expected when running ownCloud under a chroot because config.php set 
> the owncloud dir related to the chroot (/owncloud versus /var/www/owncloud).
> What you could do is to shutdown your webserver, edit config.php with the 
> full path, run occ, edit config.php back to its previous value then restart 
> your webserver.

You could do this, and leave it with the full /var/www/owncloud path in
the config file.

mkdir /var/www/var
ln -s .. /var/www/var/www

I wonder if we should install that symlink by default, it would make
some things a lot easier.

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