On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 05:23:17PM -0500, Mike wrote:
> I just downloaded and installed the Dec 23 snapshot.  The install goes
> fine.  However, when I reboot and sit at the login: prompt for a few
> seconds, a panic screen appears.  I could't capture the screen, so I
> took a picture of it.
> The picture of the screen is here:
>  https://archive.mgm51.com/OpenBSD5.9-current-20151223-snapshot.jpg
> The install was all the defaults, using dhcp for IPv4 and rtsol for IPv6.
> If there's anything I can provide, let me know.
> I could not get a dmesg before the panic occurred, so here's the dmesg
> taken with the live shell:

Thank you.  This seems to be the same panic as the one reported here:
The commit that caused this was backed out for now, so the next snapshot
should be ok:

CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:     jas...@cvs.openbsd.org  2015/12/23 14:04:56

Modified files:
        sys/net        : pf.c pfvar.h 
        sys/kern       : uipc_mbuf.c 

Log message:
revert previous:
revision 1.961
date: 2015/12/22 13:33:26;  author: sashan;  state: Exp;  lines: +153 -44;
commitid: oBRhtWcDV0ThviVT;
- yet another tiny step towards MP PF. This time we need to make sure
statekey attached to packet stays around, while accepted packet is
routed through IP stack.

OK mpi@, henning@

there have been multiple reports of KASSERT(!pf_state_key_isvalid(sk)) being
triggered without much effort, so back this out for now.

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