On 2015-12-19, Read, James C <jcr...@essex.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> my device Huawei Mobile E353 is listed as known to be supported in the umsm
> man 4 page
> http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi/OpenBSD-current/man4/umsm.4?query=umsm
> &sec=4
> Does anybody know what the steps are to get a umsm supported device up and
> running. We are talking basics here. I really don't know where to start. What
> should I be looking at? PPP?

If it's in a mode which attaches as umsm, yes you need to look at ppp(4)
and pppd(8), there are also some examples in umsm(4)'s own manual.

I don't know this particular device, but in general these devices
have several modes - the modem-like mode used by umsm, and a mode
that presents as an ethernet interface (cdce or urndis), if it's
in that mode then it would show in ifconfig and you would just use
dhclient. It looks like you can switch modes on/off on a Huawei with
an AT^U2DIAG=(something) command on the serial port (takes effect
after replugging the device) but there doesn't seem to be much good
documentation of the values to use. From ethernet mode it looks like the
Huawei dongles have an internal web page that allows switching back to
'modem' mode.

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