On 2015-12-14, Mark Carroll <m...@ixod.org> wrote:
> I'm using the dhclient and ntpd from base OpenBSD 5.8. Given the
> apparent lack of dhclient-script or suchlike, I've added a line to the
> end of my hostname.if file so that, after dhcp, I have another line,
> !/usr/local/sbin/dhcp-ntp-update \$if
> where dhcp-ntp-update is a little Perl script I added that just reads
> /var/db/dhclient.leases.<if>: if ntp-servers are listed then it writes
> them into /etc/ntpd.conf and restarts ntpd.
> It seems to work fine. Is this what I should have done, or was there
> something easier? I'm guessing that wanting to set ntpd's servers based
> on what the DHCP server told the system is a fairly typical use case but
> I didn't see anything canned for this. (I'm trying to use what's
> included in the base system rather than just adding the packages for
> whatever I was used to using elsewhere.)

I don't think there's an easier way without modifying dhclient (and the
latter is tricky with the current privilege model as it would need to
at least signal ntpd to restart).

The optional file that you can have written with "dhclient -L" may be
a little better than dhclient.leases as then you can be sure the address
is from a current lease.

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