2 décembre 2015 13:00 "Felipe Gomes" <felan...@gmail.com> a écrit:
> I just
wanted to thank everyone for their feedback. Thanks a lot!
> You guys are
> Best regards,
> Felipe Gomes
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 4:03
AM, Bruno Flueckiger <inform...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> On 01.12.2015 16:50,
Felipe Gomes wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> I've been trying to search for
more information on OpenBSD as a VMWare
>>> guest, but I wasn't able to find
much... and the information is pretty
>>> much
>>> outdated.
>>> What are
the recommendations for OpenBSD 5.8 (amd64) as a guest on VMware
>>> 5.5?
>>> Guest Operating System: should I pick "Other (64bit)" or FreeBSD?
How does OpenBSD work with "virtual sockets" and "cores per virtual
>>> What is the best NIC? E1000, E1000E, VMXNET2 ENHANCED or
>>> What is the recommended SCSI Controller? LSI Logic Parallel,
>>> or VMware Paravirtual?
>>> I'd believe that all of
these options work... I just don't know which is
>>> more stable or perform
>>> Any other tips on fine tunning or special setting?
I'm planning on migrating a few Soekris boxes to virtual machines. Is this
reliable? Is anyone running production OpenBSD servers on VMware?
Thanks in advance!
>> I run a productive SMTP server with OpenBSD
5.8-stable on VMware 5.5 for
>> some
>> months and so far I didn't experience
any problems. Guest OS is FreeBSD,
>> NIC
>> is VMXNET3 and the controller is
LSI Logic Parallel.
>> There are plans for more OpenBSD servers on VMware
in the company I work
>> for
>> due to the small footprint of the OS and the
very good experience we have
>> so
>> far.
>> Cheers,
>> Bruno


here like a charm, on prod with OpenBSD 5.8 amd64 :

Guest OS is FreeBSD 64
scsi controller is paravirtual

multiple openbsd VMs on vmware
since 3 years without any problems.


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