> On 27 November 2015 at 12:31:32, Ville Valkonen <weezeld...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks for your good hints:)
> some laptop pc have this problem :<

 [ ... ]

> manula is almost good. but, some same problem issues didn't share on.
> mailing list is good means. but latest machine problems are stacked
> and
> no improvement.

I am no developer but have you already posted a dmesg (inline in the
email ?).

See http://www.openbsd.org/mail.html section Include important

*The dmesg(8) tells us exactly what is IN your machine, not what
stickers are on the outside.*

How to get a dmesg - simple read the FAQ 4.10.

> who makes driver or good improvement. but beginer and newest user
> didn't
> know how to get answer.

I am also a new user and have no problems to get a answer, as long as
you ask the right questions and, provided the needed infrmations.

> dmesg is no answer. who get kernel panic... "how to get debuging..."
> (these todo couldn't get answer...)

dmesg would be no answer for you - but for developers it helps. Kernel
panic, debugging - start reading FAQ 7.6 about serial consoles and
http://www.openbsd.org/report.html section How to create a problem

> some mailing list responses are like "read man" "man 4 ..." :<
> and get no answer...

Sure, there are people out there who wrote the FAQ, there are people
out there who wrote the text for the mailinglist page ... and, there
are users out there, which are simple not interested to read existing

If you ask a question like, I have problem X and readed manual page Y
but I simple don't understand it - I think, you will get a answer. If
you expect, that others do your work - you will be very disappointed
about what you get.

> if "no answer", say "no answer" or "I don't know".
> problem must store and announcement.

See the above.

> Just my complaint.
> Theo de raadt is greatest programer. I love him.

I think, he will be very happy if you read the FAQ and provide the
minimum informations which are needed to answer your questions.

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