Hello, I'm just testing ssl interception and noticed the following problem. Sometimes the Subject/Subject Alternative Name of the cert is altered with a different name than the one the original cert has:
The faked cert: ############################################################################################# X.509 Certificate Information: Version: 3 Serial Number (hex): 051f332aed0c96 Issuer: C=DE,ST=Saxony,L=Dresden,O=Retiolum,OU=WEB,CN=SUB_CA,EMAIL=uwe.wer...@retiolum.eu Validity: Not Before: Wed Jan 28 03:58:40 UTC 2015 Not After: Fri Jan 29 14:31:49 UTC 2016 Subject: C=DE,CN=blog.b1-systems.de,EMAIL=postmas...@b1-systems.de Subject Public Key Algorithm: RSA Algorithm Security Level: High (4096 bits) ... Extensions: Basic Constraints (not critical): Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE Key Usage (not critical): Digital signature. Key encipherment. Key agreement. Key Purpose (not critical): TLS WWW Server. Subject Key Identifier (not critical): 47c3adafb6c9b8d26507975d444b07c30a85f020 Authority Key Identifier (not critical): eb4234d098b0ab9ff41b6b08f7cc642eef0e2c45 Subject Alternative Name (not critical): --> DNSname: blog.b1-systems.de --> DNSname: b1-systems.de Certificate Policies (not critical): URI: http://www.startssl.com/policy.pdf Note: This certificate was issued according to the Class 1 Validation requirements of the StartCom CA policy, reliance only for the intended purpose in compliance of the relying party obligations. CRL Distribution points (not critical): URI: http://crl.startssl.com/crt1-crl.crl Authority Information Access (not critical): Access Method: (id-ad-ocsp) Access Location URI: http://ocsp.startssl.com/sub/class1/server/ca Access Method: (id-ad-caIssuers) Access Location URI: http://aia.startssl.com/certs/sub.class1.server.ca.crt Issuer Alternative Name (not critical): URI: http://www.startssl.com/ Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA1 ############################################################################################# The original cert: X.509 Certificate Information: Version: 3 Serial Number (hex): 0813002129d4f6 Issuer: C=IL,O=StartCom Ltd.,OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing,CN=StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Server CA Validity: Not Before: Thu Sep 24 15:20:33 UTC 2015 Not After: Sun Sep 24 23:00:39 UTC 2017 Subject: C=DE,ST=Bayern,L=Vohburg,O=B1 Systems GmbH,CN=www.b1-systems.de,EMAIL=postmas...@b1-systems.de Subject Public Key Algorithm: RSA Algorithm Security Level: High (4096 bits) Modulus (bits 4096): ... Extensions: Basic Constraints (not critical): Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE Key Usage (not critical): Digital signature. Key encipherment. Key agreement. Key Purpose (not critical): TLS WWW Client. TLS WWW Server. Subject Key Identifier (not critical): 2c6fafda29839f35c51c0ccde681e036168b10a9 Authority Key Identifier (not critical): 11db2345fd54cc6a716f848a03d7bef7012f2686 Subject Alternative Name (not critical): --> DNSname: www.b1-systems.de --> DNSname: b1-systems.de Certificate Policies (not critical): URI: http://www.startssl.com/policy.pdf Note: This certificate was issued according to the Class 2 Validation requirements of the StartCom CA policy, reliance only for the intended purpose in compliance of the relying party obligations. CRL Distribution points (not critical): URI: http://crl.startssl.com/crt2-crl.crl Authority Information Access (not critical): Access Method: (id-ad-ocsp) Access Location URI: http://ocsp.startssl.com/sub/class2/server/ca Access Method: (id-ad-caIssuers) Access Location URI: http://aia.startssl.com/certs/sub.class2.server.ca.crt Issuer Alternative Name (not critical): URI: http://www.startssl.com/ Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256 ############################################################################################# In this case the DNS name www.b1-systems.de is removed from the cert what leads to an error message in the webbrowser. apu01$ dig @ +short www.b1-systems.de b1-systems.de. apu01$ dig @ +short blog.b1-systems.de spacelords.systems.b1-systems.de. apu01$ dig @ +short b1-systems.de apu01$ dig @ +short -x 202.192- spacelords.systems.b1-systems.de. apu01$ dig @ +short spacelords.systems.b1-systems.de Maybe in this special case it's caused by reverse lookup? Is this the intended behaviour? Thanks for this great software and Your time! Regards Uwe