On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 01:05:34AM +0100, Stefan Wollny wrote:
> Am 11/23/15 um 23:41 schrieb Lampshade:
> >Hello,
> >I would like to use privoxy to scrub/delete
> >some informations in application layer (HTTP) going out from my PC.
> >Problem is that a lot of connections are secured with TLS, so privoxy can 
> >not filter them.
> >Is there any way to do something like that:
> >Firefox -> decrypt [MitM] -> privoxy -> encrypt securely  -(NIC)-> Internet?
> >It is my PC, so I can install new certificate or something like that,
> >but neverthless I don't know how to achieve that result.
> >Is this possible using relayd?
> >Is it possible with other tool in ports or something that I can compile from 
> >source?
> >
> It is about 2 years old but should give you a starting poing:
> http://www.reykfloeter.com/post/41814177050/relayd-ssl-interception

"There are some known limitations:" ... I didn't know about vendors
and their own CAs with pre-installed private keys at this point.
This makes it useable for everyone!

When superfish was found, I published the following gist:


Something similar should work with #eDellRoot as well.


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