Just installed frietzing using pkg_add. AFAIK i'm running the latest -current snapshot (upgraded on 2015/11/13).
It installs two files in /usr/local/bin: Fritzing, the main executable fritzing, a shell script that runs Fritzing with the "--folder /usr/local/share/fritzing/" option, telling it where to find parts and other ressources. Now, if i'm right, the menu entry (i use xfce) is built from /usr/local/share/applications/fritzing.desktop, this file contains the line "Exec=Fritzing". It is my understanding that by default Fritzing looks for its ressources in the same directory as the binary. Because of that, launching fritzing from the menu entry (or using /usr/local/bin/Fritzing without the --folder option) makes it unable to find its ressources and complains about it. Now, i'm new to OpenBSD, and don't know what to do from there: _ should i report it as a bug? where? _ should i fix it? how? (modify the .desktop to exec "fritzing" instead of "Fritzing"?), where do i send the correction? Thanks