Em 09-11-2015 13:52, Martin Pieuchot escreveu:
> As soon as you notice a regression please try to notify us.  I'm sorry
> to say so, but we don't have the manpower to dig for a regression that
> might have happen since "a couple of releases".

I know Martin. For me it is not a regression, because I only recently,
ie, OpenBSD 5.8, started using it with IPv6 enabled CPE's. I'm working
on a very detailed bug report, I think I found a routing bug regarding
IPv6, I'll test on -current later this week. As soon as I have all the
info, I'll post to tech@. What I can talk right now is that, on OpenBSD
5.8-stable, if you have a interface with inet6 autoconf enabled, you
aren't able to use manual configuration on any other interface (ULA
addressing). The routes simply vanish right after they are added. I
confirmed this behaviour with route monitor.

> One of the reason we ask for a dmesg is that we can easily identify when
> things broke.  We try the best we can not to break things, but sometimes
> it is hard.  Sorry for that.

I was just confirming to the OP that I too had seen this behaviour.
Every time I've stumbled upon what I suspect might be a regression or a
bug I try to make sure before I report, but I always report them. So far
this happened only once on OpenBSD.

> Now if you prefer to cook your own workaround, that's up to you

I don't like to cook workarounds, but sometimes they are necessary. In
my case I need to monitor changes so I can update DNS records, I was
just extending that so the OP could do another thing (restart rtadvd). I
don't know anything that could be done in my case, since my ISP and CPE
will change the prefix anytime the CPE restarts or the CPE connection to
the ISP is lost.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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