re: dpb - wow!

Yeah, well, if I started on 5.8 now I might have it running before 5.9
came out.  I started at 5.6, before I got it all downloaded and
running to clone 5.7 came out.  I've got that on my laptop and
installing on my desktop.  Gotta draw the line somewhere.  I download
through my cell phone, it's the best internet connection I've got.

On 11/2/15, Josh Grosse <> wrote:
> On 2015-11-02 13:33, Alan Corey wrote:
>> I'd never tried it before but it's saving me a lot of babysitting to
>> start the next build compared to doing them one at a time.
>> There's probably a way to do this but I'd never tried dpb because I
>> didn't have a list of pkgpaths to feed it.  I could query sqlports I
>> guess, but a command-line flag to pkg_info to have it give full
>> pkgpaths would be good.  My goal is to be able to make a list of
>> pkgpaths on a machine, save it, put in a new hard drive, do an OpenBSD
>> install, then run dpb on the saved list of pkgpaths.
> Hey, Alan.  I've been an end-user of dpb() for some years. It's the
> bees' knees. A couple of hints which may help:
> * out-of-date(1) produces pkgpath output, which I use with dpb -R for
>    -stable package builds.
> * pkg_info(1) has a -P option, which along with -mq produces a nice list
> of
>    manually installed pkgpaths.
>> And my hyperthreaded P4 now gets detected as MP?  Neat.  Just jumping
>> it from 5.0 to 5.7.
> 5.8 was released October 18.  :) :)

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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