Hello. I'm in the process of upgrading our firewal from 5.7 to 5.8. I'm about to apply the erratas (even started to do so with 001 and 002, but now I'm doubting, given some weird error messages in the 'make' step for errata 001. I'll take care of that when I'll have a clear understanding of what's hereunder).
I read errata 006 : 'The "src.tar.gz" file on the source tree was created on the wrong day, and does not match the 5.8 release builds. A replacement file is available in the 5.8 release directory with the name cd-src.tar.gz' So, to apply all patches, including those BEFORE 006, am I supposed to: - use src.tar.gz for all patches 001-007? - use cd-src.tar.gz for all patches 001-007? - use src.tar.gz for all patches 001-005, then cd-src.tar.gz for 007? Thanks. Olivier Debré