Hi list, I've read through the docs and Claudio's guide, but something isn't clear to me I'm hoping to get some direction on:
I am about to multihome. My uplinks to my ISPs terminate on different OpenBSD routers. The class C network behind them includes one internal OpenBSD gateway performing NAT for connections leaving the internal private network. My understanding is that I would configure OpenBGPD on the two border routers with iBGP between them, like this: /etc/bgpd.conf # Global Config AS MyASN router-id # Announce Our Network Space network 1.2.3/24 # Neighbor Config neighbor { descr "My ISP 1" remote-as TheirASN } # iBGP group IBGP { remote-as MyASN neighbor { descr "MyOtherBorderGateway" } } ...Essentially, since no host in my public network would be aware of which border gateway to leave through, I need an IGP such as OpenOSPFd as well. Something like this on the border gateways: /etc/ospfd.conf # Global Config router-id redistribute connected # Areas area { auth-type crypt auth-md 1 "SomePW" auth-md 2 "SomeDifferentPW" auth-md-keyid 1 # Main Link (DMZ) interface em1 } ...and then something like this on all hosts on my public network, including the NAT firewall: /etc/ospfd.conf # Global Config router-id # Areas area { auth-type crypt auth-md 1 "SomePW" auth-md 2 "SomeDifferentPW" auth-md-keyid 1 # Main Link (DMZ) interface em1 } My questions are: 1) Claudio's guide suggests to me that iBGP needs to be run on the NAT firewall as well, but I don't understand *why* that would be necessary and I think I'm mis-reading it. Clarification please? 2) Do I really want "redistribute connected" in the ospfd.conf on the border routers, or "redistribute default"? Thanks for any insight, -John