On October 15, 2015 8:32:43 AM GMT+02:00, Stefan Wollny <stefan.wol...@web.de> 
>Am 10/15/15 um 03:23 schrieb Stuart Henderson:
>>> kvm_mkdb(31159): syscall 16
>> ..
>>> > kvm_mkdb(31287): syscall 16
>>> > bzip2(6396): syscall 5
>>> > smtpctl(24717): syscall 5
>>> > smtpctl(4120): syscall 5
>> I think these particular ones should all be gone with the newer
>> version that you're now running.
>No - the smtpctl()-syscall 5 still persists even with the very latest
>snapshot from last night (amd64-current, GENERIC.MP, #1485).
>Is there any way of clearing the dmesg-buffer? I ask because when
>upgrading this morning via bsd.rd I got the message that '/' has no
>space left.

Then bsd.rd is probably too tight on space. Anyway pulling the plug should do 


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