On 10/05/15 06:47, Benny Lofgren wrote:
Personally, I think it would be a good thing to bring back slices to the
vocabulary. That would emphasize the distinction between physical disk
partitions as they appear in the PC-centric hardware world and logical
partitions/slices that are a subdivision *within* a disk partition.

no. You are going from an ambiguity that can be solved by adding ONE well-understood word ("fdisk partitions" "disklabel partitions") to adding a new word that you have a definition of that may or may not be shared by the world.

iirc (and don't bother to check or correct -- it does not matter) one BSD refers to fdisk partitions as slices, and disklabel partitions as partitions. Congrats, you just did it backwards from another group and *added* to the confusion. Or didn't, depending on my memory.

The best answer to confusion is writing clearly, even if that involves a few more words (oh the horror).


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