On 12/23/05, J. C. Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It may have seemed strange for me to ask for this info but in many
> cases, including yours, it can make things real simple...

> Also you mentioned "wireless" so are you *sure* about the part number
> you posted. There is a "WA1003A-RU" model number as well that
> specifically mentions wireless.

Yes the BOX and the modem says it is "WA1003A" only but from the
datasheet of "WA1003A" I find that the pic resembles the wireless one 
have it here.

> I also stumbled across some info for setting the VPI/VCI values but they
> may or may not apply to your telco/provider/country. If the defaults
> don't work, you may need to ask your provider for the correct values.
> http://www.vinuthomas.com/Forums/viewtopic/p=26302.html

Thankyou so much once again for teling me about the above website :-)

Kind Regards


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