Hi, I have a piece o software to install that requires sendfile functionality . I installed hs-sendfile from ports, which should providesendfile, but now sendfile library or binary is present: I run the command , first:sudo /usr/local/lib/ghc/sendfile-0.7.9/register.sh
and $ sudo ldconfig -r|grep sendfile yields nothing Content of conf file:$ cat /usr/local/lib/ghc/package.conf.d/sendfile-0.7.9-248b486519b80593a4ea3e29cb37 f1d7.conf name: sendfile version: 0.7.9 id: sendfile-0.7.9-248b486519b80593a4ea3e29cb37f1d7 license: BSD3 copyright: maintainer: Jeremy Shaw <jer...@n-heptane.com> stability: provisional homepage: http://hub.darcs.net/stepcut/sendfile package-url: synopsis: A portable sendfile library description: A library which exposes zero-copy sendfile functionality in a portable way. If a platform does not support sendfile, a fallback implementation in haskell is provided.             .             Currently supported platforms: Windows 2000+ (Native), Linux 2.6+ (Native), FreeBSD (Native), OS-X 10.5+ (Native), Everything else (Portable Haskell code). category: Network author: Matthew Elder <m...@mattelder.org> pkgpath: devel/hs-sendfile exposed: True exposed-modules: Network.Socket.SendFile                 Network.Socket.SendFile.Iter Network.Socket.SendFile.Handle                 Network.Socket.SendFile.Portable hidden-modules: Network.Socket.SendFile.Internal                Network.Socket.SendFile.Util trusted: False import-dirs: /usr/local/lib/ghc/sendfile-0.7.9 library-dirs: /usr/local/lib/ghc/sendfile-0.7.9 hs-libraries: HSsendfile-0.7.9 extra-libraries: extra-ghci-libraries: include-dirs: includes: depends: base-         bytestring-         network- hugs-options: cc-options: ld-options: framework-dirs: frameworks: haddock-interfaces: /usr/local/share/doc/hs-sendfile-0.7.9/html/sendfile.haddock haddock-html: /usr/local/share/doc/hs-sendfile-0.7.9/html Please advice me how to activate/use sendfile andmake it available to applications that requires it. Thanks,Bogdan