> During this time I was reading through the documentation and realized
> there's just an ARM7 processor on the device. I know that some of the
> linksys devices have one of those other broken unix variant running on them,
> so would it ever be likely we'd see a port to one of these simple devices
> for OpenBSD?

Obviously I don't speak for developers, but I'm not sure a device with
a processor which looks around 10% the speed of a Zaurus, 8mb RAM, and
undocumented wireless nic is going to be interesting enough to warrant
the time a port takes..(read the slides about the Zaurus port for some
information about what's involved in porting to a new machine, it is a
lot of work: http://www.openbsd.org/papers/ven05-niallo-uwe/slides.pdf).

Looks like it needs very fine soldering skills just to attach a serial
port: http://seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/SamSung4510

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