Em 24-09-2015 16:51, Devin Reade escreveu:
> Another consideration that has entered the picture since that idea came out, 
> though, is how much easier it will be in the non-NAT world for advertisers or 
> whomever to track individuals' behaviour. Not everyone likes that. 

    Hence privacy addresses extensions and non-temporary address
associations. In hindsight, it was a poor choice to make IPv6 addresses
based on MAC addresses, given the advancements on pseudo-random number
generation. The fact is, that OpenBSD and the other OS's should prefer
privacy address for everything (even pf itself). This already happens on
some linux configurations, where you have a semi stable privacy address
any given time on a interface, and only that kind of address, not the
MAC address based form.

    Anyway, this ULA natted will sure have it's uses, specially now in
the beginning of the IPv4 to IPv6 migration. What Stuart mentioned that
most of network administrators where born in a world already needing
nat, has a big impact on this. Still it's not substitute to proper
implementation and might even slow IPv6 deployment for a while. But with
the advent of more devices in the IPv6 world, the so called internet of
things, nat will have a performance hit on that, so it will eventually
fade away, hopefully.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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