Predrag Punosevac [] wrote: > > 1. I don't like diversity at home so OpenBSD would be the first choice. > 4TB HDD are cheap enough and I could mirror (RAID 1) all my personal > data on two of them. There are two options for mirroring. Either use > softraid or get a cheap used Areca hardware RAID card of e-bay. Those > cards according to man pages have excellent support on OpenBSD (they are > true open hardware). Use one of inexpensive Celeron based motherboards > (you can get them under $50). I would be curious what OpenBSD gurus have > to say about their experience with Areca on OpenBSD and building a > OpenBSD file server in general. >
There's just no reason to go for hardware RAID if all you want is RAID1. Softraid RAID1 is fine, and even with the metadata it aligns the FFS to 4K blocks, no problem. RAID5 is rather slow at the moment, I could see using a hardware controller to supplement, but not for RAID1... Chris