OK, It's true,
But spliting the memstick into 2 partition causes more questions:
1.What tools can do that best?
2.What is the size of partitions?
3.How can write OpenBSD memstick image on the last partition?

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff <czark...@gmail.com>

> Mohammad BadieZadegan said:
> > How put OpenBSD image on it that don't curropt its file system or booting
> > OpenBSD?
> The easiest way is to split your drive in two partitions: first one
> should be FAT32 if you want it so, and the last one should be OpenBSD
> slice.
> Windows and most consumer devices' firmwares don't read partition table
> on USB flash devices, so these systems won't notice your OpenBSD
> partition, but it will be bootable.
> --
> Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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