Toby Slight [] wrote:
> On 10 September 2015 at 13:09, Toby Slight <> wrote:
> > Thought I'd try giving this a whirl on my T430 (which thankfully support
> > CSM legacy mode). The miniroot58.fs snapshot from today (10 September) gets
> > to the bootloader when UEFI is enabled and CSM is disabled in the BIOS,
> > however it hangs when trying to boot the kernel, as shown in the attached
> > image. Weirdly it seems to hang at different points of loading the kernel
> > on each boot.
> >
> > Not sure if this info is helpful, but thought I'd let you guys know
> > anyway, in case it is! BTW, is a dmesg from a standard Legacy mode boot at
> > all useful?
> >
> > Are there any plans to support UEFI on older ThinkPads that support Legacy
> > mode?
> >
> >
> Should also mention that I (unsurprisingly) had the same result on an X230,
> and a slightly different result (but equally unsuccessful) result on a
> Samsung RF511 (see another attached picture).

It appears that UEFI is actually working, you are in the EFIBOOT boot blocks!

But the bootblocks are using fd0a rather than hd0a.

Perhaps this is a bug in the boot blocks? Try boot sr0a:/bsd or boot hd0a:/bsd 
from the prompt...


Here's a little guide based on my recent experience with this stuff:

I set a Dell R210-II to UEFI mode and it was very easy with the 5.8-current 
state of affairs

A process for UEFI + softraid 1 based on my last try:

1. Turn on UEFI mode in BIOS setup screen
2. Write latest 5.8-current amd64 install58.fs to a USB stick
3. Boot from the USB stick in UEFI mode
  a. (Just to see if the UEFI boot is compatible...)
4. Opt into shell prompt instead of the install script
5. Create extra disk devices:
       cd /dev
       sh MAKEDEV sd1 sd2 sd3
6. Create the UEFI partition
  a. Played with fdisk -b option and realize it requires a block size for the 
UEFI partition
  b. The offset used on the USB installer was 960 blocks, which means OpenBSD 
'a' starts at 1024 blocks--perfect alignment for block sizes up to 512K.
  c. Setup the UEFI partition on both disks:
       fdisk -ib 960 sd0
       fdisk -ib 960 sd1 
7. Turn whole OpenBSD area into RAID 1 partition for each disk:
       printf "a\n\n\n\nRAID\nw\nq\n" | disklabel -E sd0
       printf "a\n\n\n\nRAID\nw\nq\n" | disklabel -E sd1
8. Turn on softraid:
       bioctl -c 1 -l /dev/sd0a,/dev/sd1a softraid0
9. Setup UEFI partition
  a. The USB installer has a FAT partition from blocks 64 to 1024 with a layout:
  b. Format the UEFI partition on softraid disks:
       newfs_msdos /dev/sd0i
       newfs_msdos /dev/sd1i 
  c. Get BOOTX64.EFI and BOOTIA32.EFI:
       cd pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/
       lcd /tmp
       get BOOTX64.EFI
       get BOOTIA32.EFI
  d. Copy to FAT /EFI/BOOT/
       mount /dev/sd0i /mnt
       cp /tmp/BOOTX64.EFI /tmp/BOOTIA32.EFI /mnt
       umount /mnt
       mount /dev/sd1i /mnt
       cp /tmp/BOOTX64.EFI /tmp/BOOTIA32.EFI /mnt
       umount /mnt
10. Now you have 4 disks.
  a. sd0: softraid target
  b. sd1: softraid target
  c. sd2: USB boot flash
  d. sd3: softraid volume
11. Proceed with typical OpenBSD install, use sd3 as the target.

The install script will do everything right from this point forward.

The install script will install MBR boot record so your RAID1 disks will end up 
working with UEFI or MBR BIOS.

Yeah baby!!

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