Hi I'm using authfp to secure an NFS server (authpf required before mount). This works when I use it interactively, but not when I try to background the SSH session (ports stay closed).
I want to use this in a shell script. Something like this: ssh -fN nas_u...@puffy.home.ctors.net SSH_SESSION=$! sudo mount -t nfs puffy.home.ctors.net:/home/nas ~/nas # copy files ... sudo umount ~/nas kill $SSH_SESSION The SSH command is in the ps output and in netstat on both sides (client and server) but the mount won't work (timeout) because the firewall is not changed by authpf. I compared ssh -vvv output from the regular ssh session with the background ssh and see that they are identical until "Authenticated to puffy.home.ctors.net". After that line I see that the regular session prints stuff about "ignoring env ..." and the background one prints "forking to background". When the sessions are closed they both print that data was transfered (send/receive) etc. Is this something that can work and if so, what am I doing wrong of how do I debug this any further? I'm stuck. :-) Thanks, Tom Van Looy