Problem is a device that, due to its limitations, must have a default gateway that is not the default gateway of the OpenBSD router (unlike the rest of the network) so I'm having difficulty connecting to it from the outside world.
Two networks, both routers are OpenBSD, the internal networks are RFC1918 (and different), the external IP addresses are public. The problem device is on one of the networks and I need to communicate with it from the other network. I can get packets to it via a redirect but return packets go to the wrong place. I thought maybe a site-to-site VPN (ipsec between the two routers) would work, but no, same problem as the incoming packets appear to come from the other internal network (unlike the redirect which appears to come from the other public IP address). What I need to have happen is for the incoming packets to the problematic device to have a source address in that private subnet (the internal address of the router) so that the device sends return packets to the right place instead of its configured default gateway (which is not the router). So I'm looking for a transparent solution (as far as the users are concerned). Can this be done? Thanks, Chris