Quartz wrote:
> > The general answer to your question, however, is the "growfs" command.
> > growfs will let you expand an off-line file system with additional space
> > immediately adjoining the end of the partition.
> OK.... that's the general answer providing we replace the disk with a 
> bigger one though, right? Is there a good way to use the same disk? 
> Again, the issue is not that the disk is full, but that's it half empty 
> and split up in a way that we can't really use the space.

you need to use disklabel to delete some of the existing paritions.

this is the kind of procedure you really don't want to do without backups, and
if you have backups, restoring them may be easier.

there is no easy way to shrink or move filesystems, only copying their
contents. depending on where /var is, your ability to grow it may be limited.

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