> I've noticed this too for the last snapshots I've been trying, and was
> planning to check out the sources to see what changes has been commited
> causing what to me seems to be that the menu now gets alfabetically
> sorted.

While the mouse buttons bindings altogether are rarely used here except
for occasional launch of a specific selection from the menu with (M3)
where one would expect this to not be changed from the configuration
crafted commands, a suggestion one may appreciate is the list of hidden
windows was sorted instead (M1) which seems the more logical place for
this. Or a switch in .cwmrc to toggle this sorting may be useful (but
please evaluate this for possible featuritis).

Tip: sometimes when mouse is not working e.g. when the batteries are
recharging (and you're not lucky enough to have a 3 button pointing
device included for the time being, or at a presentation), an
alternative could be setting this option in setxkbmap(1)

setxkbmap -option "keypad:pointerkeys"


keypad:pointerkeys   Shift + NumLock toggles PointerKeys

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