2015-07-28 12:34 GMT+03:00 Zé Loff <zel...@zeloff.org>:
> Hi all
> On yesterday's amd64 -current (#1201), if PATH is added to the keepenv
> list in doas.conf, e.g.
>   permit keepenv { ENV PATH PKG_PATH PS1 SSH_AUTH_SOCK } :wheel as root
> when attempting to run an inexistent command, doas segfaults instead of
> exiting with "command not found" and retval 1.
> I actually have no idea if "keepenv PATH" makes any sense, I just had a
> couple of scripts in ~/bin that require sudo/doas -- but even if its a
> stupid idea, segfaulting didn't seem right.


thank you for the report. I've just committed the fix; please check
that your usecase is happy now.

  Vadim Zhukov

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