Hi You have received a greeting card from hea345tr ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
You can preview your eCard message below: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Believe it or not! Hey, guys! Check this out. Perfect place for our next ultimate adventure! Gorgeous --------------------------------------------------------------------- To view your eCard, please click on the following link, (or copy and paste the following link into your web browser's address bar): http://www.andamanfans.com/ecard/upcardme.php?step=pickup&id=kt4d7f685994 Your card will be available for viewing during the next 30 days from 12-23-2005. Please be assured to save it for your personal records before the 30 days are over. I hope you have enjoyed this service and taken some time to send an eCard to your special someone. To send a card, please visit our web site: http://www.andamanfans.com/ecard/index.php Enjoy and Thanks for visitng AndamanFans.com !