On 2015-07-08, Bastien Durel <bast...@durel.org> wrote:
> Le 08/07/2015 22:08, Claudio Jeker a écrit :
>> Feature... with maybe a bug.
>>> >Jul  8 09:04:07 ospfd[27052]: interface tun0: gone
>> So openvpn is reconfiguring the interface and ospfd does not like this all
>> that much because of the way interface addresses are handled. A simple
>> ospfctl reload should fix this.

IIRC OpenVPN recreates the tun interface at startup, setting persist-tun
in OpenVPN config *may* help here.

> You're right, restarting openvpn triggers the "interface gone" ; but 
> ospfctl reload isn't sufficient, I cannot (or don't know how to) recover 
> without a full restart :(

You can try commenting-out the interface from ospfd.conf, reload, uncomment
and reload again. But ospfd does sometimes get in a muddle with interface

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