On 7/6/15, luke...@onemodel.org <luke...@onemodel.org> wrote:
> I'm on OpenBSD 5.7 amd64, w/ all the latest stable patches.  When I simply
> launch xfce (from ports), an xterm, and ~34 "xedit" windows, I get:
> "Maximum number of clients reachedError: Can't open display: :0.0". I
> think I also had the same problem earlier when running fvwm instead
> of xfce.

these threads might interest you:

        [PATCH RFC] configurable maximum number of clients
        [PATCH RFC xserver v2] configurable maximum number of clients
        [PATCH v3] configurable maximum number of clients


> I've searched thru code (not yet exhaustively), searched the mailing
> lists, & the web with DuckDuckGo(DDG), and tried various things.
> Most DDG search results talk about buggy apps, or closing
> windows, but I don't think that's my problem as I don't have that
> many windows open.
> Three of the search results say this (though the info could be
> old, by several years or more):
>          "By default, the X server has a limit of just 128. In order to
>           increase this limit, you need to run at least Solaris 8 or an
>           earlier release with the Xserver patch applies that fixes bug:
>           4185418 the X server should support more connections .Then
>           change the Xservers configuration file and add the "-clients
> 1024"
>           option to the X commandline."
> However, I've passed "-clients 1024" to the startx command with no
> effect, and I don't see that as a parameter in 'man X' or 'man Xservers'.
> Maybe that parameter needs to go in a config file somewhere, but
> I'm floundering at this point in the X config stuff.
> When I searched through the xenocara code, I found that the error
> comes from xserver/os/connection.c, where a constant "NOROOM"
> contains the error message, and interesting functions being called
> include AllocNewConnection, ErrorConnMax, and
> InitConnectionLimits which is where the variable "MaxClients" is
> being set.
> When I opened enough "xedit" windows to reproduce the error, just
> now, then closed one of them and ran "xwininfo -root -children|wc" I
> got a result of 213.  Then I killed those 17 xedit windows (I have other
> things open now also) and "xwininfo -root -children|wc" said 94.
> That's about as far as I've got, since I'm new enough with this to
> be unsure whether I'm going in a good direction, diagnostically;
> my ignorance might be causing this to take longer than needed,
> and I'm hoping not to have to run X in gdb....
> I don't see anything interesting in /var/log/messages or in
> Xorg.0.log: I think it's all just repeated output telling me it
> un- and re-found my external USB mouse and keyboard.
> Should I use sendbug for this?
> Any ideas appreciated. Thanks!!
> Luke

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