On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 08:59:55AM +0000, Florian Obser wrote:
> yes, that was an artifact of moving the sending of router
> solicitations from rtsol(8) to the kernel. rtsol(8) flat out refused
> to do anything with forwarding enabled. There is no such check in
> place for "ifconfig inet6 autoconf". But as you note weird stuff
> starts to happen on 5.7 if you do this.
> However, if you continue using the "rtsol" keyword in hostname.if that
> check is still in place (in netstart(8)). I think this is a case of
> "Doctor, Doctor! If I do this it hurts." ;)

We do not use the "rtsol" keyword anywhere when testing, so I do not
feel we qualify for the "it hurts when i do this" category :).

> This changed in -current, so please test that report back.
> These two commits are relevant:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=142730518728044&w=2
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=143359644918955&w=2
> We don't have this extra knob (the "1" case). You can enable v6
> forwarding in sysctl and enable acceptance of router advertisments per
> interface. So if you don't want to accept router advertisments when
> forwarding is enabled don't configure the interfaces that way.
> I'm not sure if this will solve all your problems but it should solve
> some. This should cut down your report considerably and should make it
> easier to work through the rest.

Thanks for the pointers, the first commit was pointed at by another
developer off list, and seems like exactly the fix needed for the
initial issue we ran into.

We will retry using a snapshot and see where we end up.

Patrik Lundin

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