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Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 00:36:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: Richard Thornton <rthor...@secularsolutionsllc.com>
To: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: 32bit vs. 64bit on older 64bit processors

A friend gave me a fully functioning  Compaq Sempron 3400+;  he has 1.2GB 
installed memory, but I have purchased a 2GB kit in order to up the 
memory, upping the memory to 3.2GB; the max is 4GB, but then I would have 
to eat the stock 256MG stick;   It also has Radeon graphics and a 
stock 100GB SATA main HD.  I have tried the 32bit OpenBSD versions 5.6 & 
5.7;  both work fine;  64bit FreeBSD also seems to work well, but I am 
partial to OpenBSD as I do think its a much more solid, stable *BSD.  
Given that this box is an older 64bit system, which is single core and 
the maximum memory installable is 4GB, what's the best build to use for 
it?  32bit or 64bit?



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