Em 26-06-2015 10:43, Gregor Best escreveu:
I've also seen something similar. A friend of mine suggested [0], though
I haven't tried it. I circumvented my problem by using a routed /64 on a
Hurricane Electric tunnel.

I wouldn't like to use a tunnel, since my ISP is (kind of) providing native IPv6 connectivity.

Depending on your hosting provider, their setup might actually be
vulnerable to a neat little trick: If you see NDP requests for prefixes
that are not your own while tcpdump'ing your external interface, you
might be able to add an address inside one of those networks to your
external interface and have it reachable from the outside, so that in
effect you can use an IPv6 address that's outside of your prefix.

Since my CPE is working in routed mode, I don't see anything like that. But, I believe that this will be a problem for many ISP's, since I doubt they will implement authenticated NDP. I will look into this ndp proxy daemon, since I couldn't make the ndp(8) proxy functionality to work. Thank all you guys who replied. Both on and off list.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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