Does auto index do the trick? It doesn't make an index.html/txt file, but
it does provide file names and links as you'd expect.

server "" {
    listen on $ext_if port 80
    directory {auto index }
    location "/*.php*" {
        root { "/sites/" }
        fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
    location "/*" {
        root { "/sites/" }

Index of /

../                                                22-Jun-2015 08:35
foo.txt                                            22-Jun-2015 08:35
info.php                                           22-Jun-2015 08:35

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Craig Skinner <>

> Hi there,
> Would this be practical/possible/useful?
> *) either/both .txt/.html
> *) .txt output something like: ls [-l[h]] | fgrep -v index.txt
> Is there a separate httpd mailing list, like for libreSSL & smtpd?
> Cheers.
> --
> A jury consists of 12 people chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.
>                 -- Robert Frost

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