
just going thorough papers/presentations and surprisingly found that
kind of snapshoting is already supported in UFS since '99, FreeBSD
probably supports that, while NetBSD seems to not and even removed
softupdates from 6.0 release[1]. I've also found remark from Henning
Brauer in his "OpenBSD sucks" presentation that snapshoting is not
supported[2] and that running fsck on background with softupdates is
not supported since it has never been finished for OpenBSD[3].
On the other hand I've found [4] which is positive about possible
inclusion of functionality in OpenBSD but just manpower is missing.
The question here is if this 11 years old email still apply or the way
to OpenBSD is already planned in a more secure/elegant way? If so,
then what exactly if I may ask?


[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_File_System
[2]: http://quigon.bsws.de/papers/2015/asiabsdcon/mgp00008.html
[3]: http://quigon.bsws.de/papers/2015/asiabsdcon/mgp00009.html
[2]: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=107954189429732&w=4

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