On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 06:45:54PM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
> 2015/06/12 14:10 "ertetlen barmok" <ertetlenbar...@safe-mail.net>:
> > Padre requires a perl built using threads
> Hmm. No threads in the system supplied perl?

This is correct.  Threads causes a significant performance hit, often in
the 20% range and "The use of interpreter-based threads in perl is
officially discouraged." so we do not enable it in the system perl.


> I'm not sure if it's still the case, but the perl community used to
> recomend having a parallel install of perl when you need things the system
> supplied perl doesn't have.

That would also be my recommendation. I do want the system perl in
OpenBSD to be as generally useful as possible, and unfortunately Padre
is the one actually useful thing I know of that requires perl threads.

For this use I too would recommend a parallel installation.

I have had good luck with plenv on OpenBSD

and have heard good things about perlbrew although have not tried it.

andrew - http://afresh1.com

I think I understand, but my stubborn brain refuses to admit it
until I beat it into submission by proof upon proof.
                      -- Michael Shiloh <michaelshiloh1...@gmail.com>

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