On 2015-05-23 14:02:33, Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Christian Schulte wrote:
> >after upgrading my T60 from 5.6-stable to 5.7-stable, I am experiencing the
> >same issue described above. Should this be filed using sendbug ? I am
> >currently reverting to the athn0 interface which is working fine. The em0
> >interface hangs after some minutes or even seconds and isn't usable as of 
> >5.7.
> I too have a T60, I upgraded to 5.7 and I just used em0 and it works fine.
> I had a ssh connection open to a server farm for 16 hours without problem,
> in the meanwhile I did browse the web, checked email several times,
> everything fine and the ssh connection is still up.

This was already patched in -current

It was mentioned that this only affects certain em(4) chips.  Namely 
the 82573, ICH8, and 82542.  If you have one of these chips, you *will* 
experience this issue if you use the machine long enough.

I could go for days, sometimes a week or more without seeing it, but
it would eventually hit this bug (particularly when under high CPU

Your dmesg should tell you what kind of chip you have.

My T60:
        em0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82573L" rev 0x00: msi...

My X61t: 
        em0 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "Intel ICH8 IGP M AMT" rev 0x03: msi...

If you hit this bug, upgrading to -current will fix it.  If you cannot run
-current, I am not a developer and do not aim to speak for them, but you
*may* be able to backport this fix yourself and compile a new kernel since
this change was rather unobtrusive:

Obviously, I make no claims about how this might affect a production system,
and you would be running a system with a kernel that, due to it mixing
-current and -RELEASE sources, would probably not receive support by others
on the lists.

Nevertheless, it is an option of last resort if you have one of the above
chipsets and start hitting this bug, and cannot upgrade to -current for
whatever reason.


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