Hello Kawamata-san,

KAWAMATA Yoshihiro wrote on Sat, May 02, 2015 at 10:51:19PM +0900:

> I found this problem when I was building my OpenBSD LiveCD FuguIta.
> For LiveCD, it is very important to get more disk space, so I've
> compressed manpages by gzip.

Oh, i see.  For that purpose, you can update just /usr/src/usr.bin/mandoc/
to -current; -current mandoc is compatible with 5.7, but contains
various improvements with respect to compression support.

  schwarze@fantadrom $ cd /usr/src/usr.bin/mandoc/
  schwarze@fantadrom $ cvs up -dP -rHEAD
  schwarze@fantadrom $ make cleandir
  schwarze@fantadrom $ make depend
  schwarze@fantadrom $ make
  schwarze@fantadrom $ sudo make install
  schwarze@fantadrom $ sudo makewhatis

I just tried, the above even works on 5.6-stable, so it is going
to work on 5.7, too.

Note, though, that you cannot do that on 5.5-stable because 5.5 lacks
reallocarray(3) and ohash_init(3).


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