You are perfectly correct, it was ed, not vi and sudoedit could be the
solution, thanks.
I will try to search the internet how to do the LD_PRELOAD trick with ed.

Thanks :)

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Philip Guenther <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:43 PM, someone <>
> wrote:
> > "Yeah, that LD_PRELOAD trick NOEXEC uses doesn't work so well with
> > static executables."
> >
> > Thank you, so there is a way tricking noexec with vi to get a root shell.
> No, that's not what naddy demonstrated.  He showed that NOEXEC didn't
> work with /bin/ed.  Are you assuming that /bin/ed and /usr/bin/vi are
> the same program?
> Why did you list programs in /etc/sudoers that you didn't careful
> inspect and think about?
> > But how exactly? Why isn't it fixed? :O
> You asked why you should use the solution that was provided, and now
> that this was demonstrated you're asking why there isn't a solution?
> Philip Guenther

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