syphax azmole wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have a small "C" program using standard POSIX timer_create(2),
> timer_delete(2) and SIGEV_SIGNAL.
> It seems that OpenBSD doesn't have such API. (and doesn't have librt).
> I'm curious: why are they not implemented ? For security reason ? they are
> not easy to implement ? Maybe they are useless ?

Most missing features are missing because nobody cared enough to implement
them. A fair chunk of the real time extensions fall into that category.

> What I need to do is to call a function after x milliseconds.
> What do you suggest me to do ? I suppose there is a simpler and better way
> than using libevent for that, right ?

libevent is probably the simplest. Or a timeout for poll/select whatever
you're using.

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