Hello list, I tried OpenBSD on my laptop, a macbook pro late 2013, and I have freeze while installing it.
With OpenBSD 5.6, it hangs 5 minutes when printing "scsibusx at softraidx: 256 targets", and then continue until prompting command from user. (with I for installation, U for upgrade, etc...). Unfortunately the keyboard doesn't work. I can type any command and nothing happens. After googling, I saw that this bugs is fixed in current. So I tried OpenBSD 5.7, the current version (1 day ago), and the result is even worse because it hangs before that. the last printed thing is uhub0 at usb0 "intel xHC1 root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 addr 1 Anyone has tried OpenBSD on such hardware ? Any idea on what I can do ? Any hope on getting it working ? Thanks in advance for any help, Best Regards