Am Donnerstag, den 23.04.2015, 09:51 -0400 schrieb Joseph Oficre: > As i see 5.7 upgrade guide is > ready. So if i want to upgrade from my 5.6 release i should use "bsd.rd" > from latest snapshot.
Where did you read that, I did /not/ find this in the upgrade guide. > So, can i swap it to 5.7 release package tree after may 1 without getting > troubles? (cuz i dont want to update snapshots offten) Not at al. Snapshots are based on -current and thus /newer/ than the upcoming 5.7-release. If you want to follow -release or -stable, please wait until May or until you received your CD set. -- David Dahlberg Fraunhofer FKIE, Dept. Communication Systems (KOM) | Tel: +49-228-9435-845 Fraunhoferstr. 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany | Fax: +49-228-856277