your pf.conf is veriy similar to me . perhaps it comes from small office different > > # increase default state limit from 10'000 states on busy systems > > #set limit states 100000
mine ext_if="urtwn0" int_if="bge0" tcp_services="{ 22, 80 }" icmp_types="echoreq" set block-policy return set loginterface $ext_if set skip on lo match out on $ext_if inet from !($ext_if:network) to any nat-to ($ext_if:0) set reassemble yes no-df block in log pass out quick antispoof quick for { lo $int_if } pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ( $ext_if:0 ) port $tcp_services pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types pass in on $int_if --- regards