
the following describes my experience ordering CDs from the openbsdstore.com.

As openbsdstore.com is apparently the only source for OpenBSD CDs these days, I
ordered two sets of v5.6 a while ago (December 2014).

The order
The trouble began immediately. I chose electronic wire transfer as the payment
method, but even though I had supplied my VAT-ID and indicated that I wished to
avoid paying VAT, there total included VAT and there was no way to remove it.

I figured it was simpler to order and ask to have the VAT transferred back. I
ordered, and sent a corresponding request.

The Ticketing System
The store opened a ticket on my behalf (at least there *is* a ticketing system),
and I began to receive emails from the ticketing system. They mostly look like 

> /Person's name/ just logged a message to a ticket in which you participate.
> [content of message]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /You're getting this email because you are a collaborator on ticket #229757
> <https://support.openbsdstore.com/view.php?auth=c1x2qaqaabxamaaa4o7EuU%2BmlBQAJA%3D%3D>.
> To participate, simply reply to this email or click here
> <https://support.openbsdstore.com/view.php?auth=c1x2qaqaabxamaaa4o7EuU%2BmlBQAJA%3D%3D>
> for a complete archive of the ticket thread./

I cannot, however, "participate" by clicking on the link. The link is only for
internal use.  So the system can't differentiate between support staff and

Bank Details
I am requested to provide bank details. Fair enough. I provide my IBAN (int'l
bank account number) and BIC/SWIFT (unique bank ID) details. These two items are
sufficient to transfer money *anywhere* within the EU (In fact, the IBAN alone
is sufficient, as it contains the bank code). This is made possible by SEPA.
>From wikipedia:
> The *Single Euro Payments Area* (*SEPA*) is a payment-integration initiative
> of the European Union <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union> for
> simplification of bank transfers denominated in euro
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro>. As of February 2014, SEPA consists of the
> 28 EU member states, the 4 members of the EFTA
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Free_Trade_Association> (Iceland,
> Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), Monaco and San Marino
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Marino>

IBAN/BIC Not Enough
The response is:
> I'm very sorry but our bank require your bank's address...
That the bank demands my bank's address is pure rubbish.

Transfer Costs More Than Refund
The next missive from openbsdstore.com was:
> Hopefully you should have received the €15 sent by post - unfortunately we 
> had
> to send it in this way, as our bank wanted to charge us €20 to send it to 
> you
> electronically!
This can't be happening.... And in fact an envelope containing a 10 and a 5 euro
note arrived somewhat later.

Maybe OpenBSD should look for a European partner that can tell its bank what to
do, instead of the other way round?

Rob Urban

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